I defined the following function along the lines of Haskell snd
def snd[T](pair: (_, T)): T = pair._2
Trying to use it with a List[ListNode[T]]
doesn't compile. Why not?
case class ListNode[T](data: T, var next: Option[ListNode[T]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[T]) extends Ordered[ListNode[T]] {...}
Type mismatch, expected: (NonInferedA1, NonInferedA1) => NonInferedA1, actual Tuple2[_, Nothing] => Nothing
Methods reduce
and reduceOption
require functions with arity 2
, not unary functions that take a tuple.
There is a difference between
Function1[(X, Y), Z]
Function2[X, Y, Z]
The first one is unary and takes a tuple, the second one is binary. Same holds for methods and their eta-expansions.
This here works as expected:
def twoArgSnd[T](a: Any, b: T): T = b
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