How do I get the field type of a field in Google App Maker?
I have tried to find it via:
but there isn't a property type for a field.
So the question is how can I find the type of a field via Javascript?
Many thanks
Interesting question. Here is how I do it; Suppose I want to know what are all the field types of a model. I use this:
var allFields = app.models.MODEL_NAME.fields._values;
for( var f=0; f<allFields.length; f++) {
var field = allFields[f];
var fieldType = field.__gwt_instance.b.B.j;
So, in summary, all you have to do is get the field:
var field = app.models.MODEL_NAME.fields.DESIRED_FIELD
Then you just get the type like this:
var fieldType = field.__gwt_instance.b.B.j;
As I say, this works for me. I hope this works for you too!