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Populating a listbox accurately in visual fox pro

enter image description hereI am having trouble populating my listbox, like, I want to populate it WHERE active = "1" so that data with active = "1" are shown and data with active="0" are still hidden,

This list shows the catname "hey now" and "shiet" which they have the active = "0":

here it is

I want them to only display on my listbox the ones with active = 1


  • You can do this easily with a RowSourceType of 3 (SQL) and supplying the SQL needed. And you can do it either in the designer or in code, whichever you like. In design window, you use PEM sheet (Properties-Events-Methods window) to do this, not the builder (unfortunately builder doesn't have SQL option):

    • Set RowSourceType to 3 (SQL statement)

    • Set RowSource to:

      select CatName, CategoryId from tbl_Category where Active="1" into cursor crsMyList

    That is all. When you run your form it would list the Category Names where Active="1" only (BTW if Active field is numeric then remove quotes).

    And you get selected row's values simply using the crsMyList alias like:

    selectedCategoryId = crsMyList.CategoryId
    selectedCategoryName = crsMyList.CatName