I have a Vbox with 5 Text classes, and other Vbox with a TextField, DatePicker, RadioButton, ToggleButton and a check box. 5 and 5. I want to align the first Text class in the first Vbox with the first control in the second Vbox, using a HBox, successively. How could i do?
VBox verticaltextbox1 = new VBox();
Text nombre = new Text("Nombre");
Text fecha = new Text("Fecha");
Text genero = new Text("Genero");
Text reservacion = new Text("Reservacion");
Text tecnologias = new Text("Tecnologias conocidas");
VBox verticaltextbox2 = new VBox();
TextField caja = new TextField();
DatePicker calendario = new DatePicker(LocalDate.now());
RadioButton masculino = new RadioButton("Masculino");
ToggleButton reservacionSi = new ToggleButton("Si");
CheckBox java = new CheckBox("Java");
verticaltextbox1.getChildren().addAll(nombre, fecha, genero,
verticaltextbox2.getChildren().addAll(caja, calendario, masculino,
reservacionSi, java);
HBox horizontalbox = new HBox(50);
You're probably better of using GridPane
GridPane gridPane = new GridPane();
gridPane.addRow(0, text1, textField);
gridPane.addRow(1, text2, datePicker);
gridPane.addRow(2, text3, radioButton);
gridPane.addRow(3, text4, toggleButton);
gridPane.addRow(4, text5, checkBox);
This aligns the text nodes horizontally and the rest of the nodes horizontally in columns and aligns corresponding text and control nodes vertically in a grid.