I am trying to connect to open session of IBM Host on demand 3270 mainframe session.
I am trying to connect to the screen using VBA and send keystrokes and copy/paste from excel from the screen. I have the code below.
Public autECLSession As Object
Public autECLPS As Object
Public autECLOIA As Object
Set autECLSession = CreateObject(""pcomm.auteclsession"")
Set autECLPS = CreateObject(""Pcomm.auteclps"")
Set autECLOIA = CreateObject(""Pcomm.autecloia"")
autECLSession.SetConnectionByName (""A"")
autECLSession.autECLPS.SetCursorPos lngRow, lngCol
autECLSession.autECLPS.SendKeys ""\[eraseeof\]""
autECLSession.autECLPS.SendKeys strData, lngRow, lngCol
It gives me object reference error. Please help to see if there is any problem with the code.
The ECL API for Host On-Demand is only available via Java. You can use the ECL API with Personal Communications. Or you can use the PCS API or HLLAPI API with Host On-Demand if you implement the IBM EHLLAPI Library for Host On-Demand.