Im trying to use the barcodescanner plugin here with nativescript-vue so first i install it with npm like that in my project :
npm install nativescript-barcodescanner
then i register it in my src/main.js file :
Vue.registerElement('BarcodeScanner', () => require('nativescript-barcodescanner').BarcodeScanner)
And then i tried many ways to include the scanner in my vue component but i always get an error. Does anyone knows how to use this component with nativescript vue ?
as an xml component it return a frame error :
formats="QR_CODE, EAN_13"
In fact we need to use normal javascript require to use this barcodescanner plugin like that :
const BarcodeScanner = require("nativescript-barcodescanner").BarcodeScanner;
and then inside a computed method :
var barcodescanner = new BarcodeScanner();
and then use this class :
// Enter here your scanner preferences
result => {
// handle here the barcode result.