I've been starting to learn assembly a few days ago and I'm trying to make a program to print the fibonacci series for up to 5 characters, but my code prints out weird characters
I thought it's because of the ASCII conversion system, but even when I add the value 48 to the number it's still not correct.
.model small
lastFib DB 0
main PROC
mov cx,5
mov dl,48
add dl,lastFib
mov ah,2h
int 21h
mov lastFib,dl
loop loopy
end main
but my code prints out weird characters
Adding 48 is only needed to output the (small) number as a character. You mustn't allow this addition of 48 to tamper with your calculations of the fibonacci numbers. In below code I add 48 just before calling DOS, and immediately after, I take the addition back.
Currently your code does not calculate any fibonacci number at all. The basic scheme would be:
xchg dl, lastFib ; Exchange current with previous
add dl, lastFib ; Add previous to current
There are 6 single digit fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.
By outputting before calculating the next fibonacci number, the below code manages to print all 6 numbers in one loop. A 7th number (13) is calculated but never displayed.
.model small
lastFib DB 0 ;previous
main PROC
mov cx, 6
mov dl, 1 ;current
add dl, 48 ;make character
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
sub dl, 48 ;take back
xchg dl, lastFib
add dl, lastFib
loop loopy
end main
instruction as well as the costly xchg
with memory.DL
for the current fibonacci number will shave off the extra 'take back' instruction.None of these changes will speed up this code because of the DOS api call involved. Nonetheless there're all good optimizations for when there's no such system call present.
.model small
main PROC
xor cx, cx ; Previous
mov bx, 1 ; Current
lea dx, [bx+48] ; Make character in DL
mov ah, 02h ; DOS.PrintChar
int 21h
xchg bx, cx
add bx, cx
cmp bx, 10
jb loopy
end main
This time the loop is only continued for as long as the number in BX
remains single digit.