Search code examples

stumbled on FMTDTA (IBM i)

I stumbled on some FMTDTA which seem to be a query/sort language that predates SQL in an old RPG System. I am trying to unravel it's usage.


Physical file layout:

ORNO         S      9 0     1     9 Order No       
ORCSTNO      A     10      10    19 Custno        
ORDAT        S      6 0    20    25 Order Date     
ORAMT        S     12 2    26    37 Order Amt  

Sort Criteria in PF source member ORDSRT:

HSORTR    25A                      Keyfields are 25 characters long - Sort Ascending
FNC  20  25                        KEY 1: ORDER DATE              
FNC   1   9                        KEY 2: ORDERNO                 
FNC  10  19                        KEY 3:  CUST NO                 
FDC   1  37                        Take whole record (1-37)       

Sort command



successfully sorts by DATE/ORD#/CUST#

However, there are a few other lines in FMTSRC that I am not sure of their purpose. Examples:

O C   1   1EQCD                    CANCELLED  
I C   8   8EQCB                    CREDIT NOTE
O C   1   1EQCX                    OMIT CANCELLED


  • Here's what those six lines mean:


    Col 6: F means it's a Field statement

    Col 7: O means the field is an opposite control field

    Col 8: U means the field contains signed decimal data in zoned format


    Col 6: F means it's a Field statement

    Col 7: O means the field is an opposite control field

    Col 8: C means the field contains character data


    Col 6: F means it's a Field statement

    Col 7: N means the field is a normal control field

    Col 8: U means the field contains signed decimal data in zoned format

    O C   1   1EQCD                    CANCELLED

    Col 6: O means OMIT

    Col 8: C means Factor 1 and Factor 2 must contain character data

    Col 9: 1 is the starting position of Factor 1

    Col 13: 1 is the ending position of Factor 1

    Col 17: EQ means Factor 1 must equal Factor 2

    Col 19: C means Factor 2 is constant

    Col 20: D is the constant or keyword against which Factor 1 is compared

    Col 40: CANCELLED is a comment

    I C   8   8EQCB                    CREDIT NOTE

    Col 6: I means INCLUDE

    Col 8: C means Factor 1 and Factor 2 must contain character data

    Col 9: 8 is the starting position of Factor 1

    Col 13: 8 is the ending position of Factor 1

    Col 17: EQ means Factor 1 must equal Factor 2

    Col 19: C means Factor 2 is constant

    Col 20: B is the constant or keyword against which Factor 1 is compared

    Col 40: CREDIT NOTE is a comment

    O C   1   1EQCX                    OMIT CANCELLED

    Col 6: O means OMIT

    Col 8: C means Factor 1 and Factor 2 must contain character data

    Col 9: 1 is the starting position of Factor 1

    Col 13: 1 is the ending position of Factor 1

    Col 17: EQ means Factor 1 must equal Factor 2

    Col 19: C means Factor 2 is constant

    Col 20: X is the constant or keyword against which Factor 1 is compared

    Col 40: OMIT CANCELLED is a comment
