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Codeigniter email library sending blank emails or html source code

I've never had issues sending emails before through CodeIgniter, but all of a sudden it's an issue on my latest project.

I'm using this mail server tool to send mail on my local-host, which has never given me any issues before, and then the CodeIgniter email library.

I can get one of 2 results: either the email sends, but all the raw HTML source code is displayed, or the email sends and has a subject line, but the entire body is blank.

This is my email_helper.php

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

function send_email($to, $subject, $template)
    $ci = &get_instance();

    $config = array(
      'mailtype'  => 'html',
      'newline' => '\r\n',
      'crlf'  => '\r\n'

    //If I comment out this line, it sends raw HTML, otherwise it sends a blank body.

    $ci->email->from($ci->config->item('from_email_address'), $ci->config->item('from_email_name'));
    $ci->email->reply_to($ci->config->item('from_email_address'), $ci->config->item('from_email_name'));

    $ci->email->message($ci->load->view('email/' . $template . '_html', $data, TRUE));

this is my test_html.php

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <div style="max-width: 800px; margin: 0; padding: 30px 0;">

And then I'm calling the email helper from my controller with this:

send_email($this->input->post('email'), 'Test Subject', 'test');


  • Hope this will help you :

    You r missing $data there in your load view section and also try with $ci->load->library('email', $config); instead of $ci->email->initialize($config);

    send_email should be like this :

    function send_email($to, $subject, $template)
        $ci = & get_instance();
        $config = array(
          'mailtype'  => 'html',
          'charset' => 'iso-8859-1',
          'newline' => '\r\n',
          'crlf'  => '\r\n'
        $data = '';
        $body = $ci->load->view('email/' . $template . '_html', $data, TRUE);
        echo $body; die;
        $ci->load->library('email', $config);
        $ci->email->from($ci->config->item('from_email_address'), $ci->config->item('from_email_name'));
        $ci->email->reply_to($ci->config->item('from_email_address'), $ci->config->item('from_email_name'));
        if ($to) 
          if ($ci->email->send())
            return TRUE;
            echo $ci->email->print_debugger();die;

    For more :