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Creating dependent component in dagger 2

I have a project with one AppComponent that builds and works. Now I want to add another dependent component to the project.

I add a scope annotation

annotation class MyTestScope

Then I create some class and a module for it

class A {
    fun get() = 1

class TestModule {
    fun provideA(): A {
        return A()

After I add the dependent component like this

@Component(dependencies = [AppComponent::class],
    modules = [TestModule::class])
interface DependentComponent {
    interface Builder {
        fun appComponent(component: AppComponent): Builder
        fun build(): DependentComponent

     fun inject(application: Application)

If I try to build it I see the next error error: @Component.Builder is missing setters for required modules or components: [AppComponent]

Here is how my AppComponent looks like

@Component(modules = [ 
     // etc ....
interface AppComponent {
    interface Builder {
        fun language(language: Language): Builder
        fun appContext(appContext: Context): Builder
        fun build(): AppComponent

    fun inject(application: Application)

Any idea what's wrong?


  • When you create a builder to your dependent component never mark a setter of your main component with @BindsInstance

    @Component(dependencies = [AppComponent::class],
        modules = [TestModule::class])
    interface DependentComponent {
        interface Builder {
            fun appComponent(component: AppComponent): Builder
            fun build(): DependentComponent
        fun inject(application: Application)