I followed this guide:https://github.com/omni-lchen/zabbix-cloudwatch
Added dummy host with IP, it's located on Zabbix server itself
./awsLLD.py -a "default" -r "eu-west-1" -q "SNSTopics" -c 'topic'
"data": [
"{#AWS_REGION}": "eu-west-1",
"{#AWS_ACCOUNT}": "default",
"{#TOPIC_INAME}": "",
"{#TOPIC_NAME}": "topic"
AWS-CloudWatch-display name of zabbix-host
localhost:zabbix server
default-AWS account
./cron.SNS.sh "topic" "AWS-CloudWatch" "localhost" "default" "eu-west-1"
{'host': 'AWS-CloudWatch', 'value': 2.0, 'key': u'SNS.NumberOfMessagesPublished.Sum["default","eu-west-1","topic"]', 'clock': 1532180160}
{'host': 'AWS-CloudWatch', 'value': 2.0, 'key': u'SNS.NumberOfNotificationsDelivered.Sum["default","eu-west-1","topic"]', 'clock': 1532180160}
{'host': 'AWS-CloudWatch', 'value': 0.0, 'key': u'SNS.NumberOfNotificationsFailed.Average["default","eu-west-1","topic"]', 'clock': 1532180160}
Count: 3
Monitoring-Latest Data-empty
Imported example SNS template and attached it to host
What am i missing here, data are retrieved from Cloudwatch but didn't get any errors for transfered to Zabbix server
I tried Lambda template and it works without issues, Lambda template has no Discovery rules,so i presume that's the issue
Managed to get it working:
had to copy awsLLD.sh to /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/
after zabbix-service restart SNS data started to appear in Zabbix