I built a nativescript project with tns create appname --template ng
it uses page-router-outlet
,the nativescript docs say that the newest component is what starts up and I have page i want to start up first, is there anyway around this?
you should try changing default route to your desire component in app.routing.ts
for example:
try changing below code
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: "", redirectTo: "/items", pathMatch: "full" },
{ path: "items", component: ItemsComponent },
{ path: "item/:id", component: ItemDetailComponent },
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: "", redirectTo: "/yourcomponent", pathMatch: "full" },
{ path: "items", component: ItemsComponent },
{ path: "item/:id", component: ItemDetailComponent },
{ path: "yourcomponent", component: YourComponent },