I'm trying to download the following image using Picasso https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/94E7Ti0RTDbA6mGotZw5DA/o.jpg
I can see it fine in a browser. However when I attempt to download it using Picasso, I get an error (a breakpoint in my onError() method gets hit).
This is an extract of my code:
final RequestCreator rc = with(context).load(fullImagePath);
if (fit != null && fit) {
// If no callback listener exists, create one.
if (callbackListener == null) {
callbackListener = new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
L.p("onSuccess retrieving " + fullImagePath);
public void onError() {
// Something went wrong
L.p("Error retrieving " + fullImagePath);
rc.into(fImageView, callbackListener);
I found this: https://github.com/square/picasso/issues/500 however it's a bit dated and the OkHttpClient class no longer has the setProtocols() method.
Inserting that link as "http" instead of "https" will work.