Consider the following URL
This is a sample example, I'm using customers and order here, for an easy understanding of the setup.
In the order controller:
[HttpGet("~/api/customer/{customerId:int}/orders", Name = nameof(GetOrdersByCustomerIdAsync))]
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<OrderListItemResourceModel>>> GetOrdersByCustomerIdAsync(int customerId:int){}
Question 1: Should this method actually exists in the CustomerController or the OrderController? For me it made more sense in the Order controller as I do return orders here, but the routings is that of a customer, ...
Question 2: In my Core & Data layer, the Order object has a customer linked to it. The binding model in my api layer has an integer CustomerId Where do I validate that the given customer id actually is from an existing customer? Is it ok to validate this in the controller by calling the customer service? If so, can I just return NotFound()? Or should I do something else, so that it is clear to the user that it was the customer that is not found?
Again, this is a fictional example.
Question 1 - ~/api/customer/{customerId:int}/orders
in Customers controller or Orders controller?
Customers Controller
Here you are accessing orders as a property of a customer, therefore that action falls under customer controller. But if you were accessing, say ~api/orders
this would fall under Orders controller as this is accessing orders resources independent of any other resource.
Question 2 - where to validate customer Id against existing db records
This is rather dependent on your implementation. Asp.Net Core provides functionality to do this from virtually anywhere - Filters, Services, etc - via dependency injection. So this depends on the structure of your application.
Whether you can return NotFound()
If customerId does not match any existing customer, NotFound would be the appropriate response according to the HttpStatusCode 404 Description.