I'm using Azure
App Insight
as a logging tool and store log data by the following code:
private void SendTrace(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
string message = "TestMessage";
var trace = new TraceTelemetry(message)
SeverityLevel = SeverityLevel.Information
trace.Properties.Add("TestKey", "TestValue");
var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient();
telemetryClient.Context.InstrumentationKey = this.InstrumentationKey;
everything works well. I see logged record in App insight
as well as in App insight analytics
(in trace
table). My custom attributes are written in special app insight row section - customDimensions
. For example, the above code will add new attribute with "TestKey" key and "TestValue" value into customDimensions
But when I try to write some big text (for example JSON
document with more then 15k letters) I still can do it without any exceptions, but the writable text will be cut off after some document length. As the result, the custom attribute value in customDimensions
section will be cropped too and will have only first part of document.
As I understand there is the restriction for max text length which is allowed to be written in app insight custom attribute.
Could someone know how can I get around with this?
The message
has the highest allowed limit of 32768. For items in the property collection, value has max limit of 8192.
So you can try one of the following options:
Use message field to the fullest by putting the big text there.
Split the data into multiple, and add to properties collection separately.
trace.Properties.Add("key_part1", "Bigtext1_upto8192");
trace.Properties.Add("key_part2", "Bigtext2_upto8192");
Reference: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/master/includes/application-insights-limits.md