I'm working on the core for a family of microprocessor units based off of the ATMEGA328P. I have a base class and two derived classes that I need to store mixed together in an array. I have the following:
// base class
class Channel {
virtual String ReturnValuesAsString();
virtual void ResetValues();
// derived class
class DigitalChannel : Channel {
String ReturnValuesAsString() override;
void ResetValues() override;
// derived class
class AnalogChannel : Channel {
String ReturnValuesAsString() override;
void ResetValues() override;
On my other object, I have the following:
class Input {
Channel *Channels; //array of channels
Input(int totalPossibleChannels, Channel *channels[]) {
this->Channels = new Channel[totalPossibleChannels];
// pseudocoded for loop using 'chanIndex' iterator to keep it short on this post
for channel in channels {
this->Channels[chanIndex] = *channels[chanIndex];
I initialize the input as follows:
DigitalChannel digitalChannel00 = DigitalChannel();
DigitalChannel digitalChannel01 = DigitalChannel();
Channel *digitalInputChannelsInput0[] = { &digitalChannel00, &digitalChannel01 };
Input input0 = Input(2, digitalInputChannelsInput0);
My problem is when I reference any of the channels similar to the following:
I get the base class implementation of that method rather than the derived implementation. I've read a bit about this and it appears that this is caused by object slicing distilling them down to the base class. Is there another way that I can handle this? I don't have access to smart pointers or vectors on this platform (arduino is a limited port of c++). Thanks in advance! I'm open to any suggestions as well.
Here is the new structure:
class Input {
Channel **Channels; //array of channel pointers
Input(int totalPossibleChannels, Channel *channels[]) {
this->Channels = new Channel *[totalPossibleChannels];
// pseudocoded for loop using 'chanIndex' iterator to keep it short on this post
for channel in channels {
this->Channels[chanIndex] = channels[chanIndex];
I initialize the input as follows:
DigitalChannel digitalChannel00 = DigitalChannel();
DigitalChannel digitalChannel01 = DigitalChannel();
Channel *digitalInputChannelsInput0[] = { &digitalChannel00, &digitalChannel01 };
Input input0 = Input(2, digitalInputChannelsInput0);
you are maintaining an array of channel obejcts.
For virtual function to work you need to maintain either pointer of base class type or a reference.
Channel *Channels;
creates an array of Channel obejcts. You need to create an array of pointer/reference to channel object i.e.
Channel **Channels;
Change the program accordingly to use pointer instead of object of channel type.