this is a link to my data.
I have this query:
FROM tbl c
WHERE C.dep = (select top 1 dep
from tbl cc
where cc.yea = c.yea
and cc.mon = mon
group by mon, yea, dep, n
order by n desc)
OR C.dep =( select top 1 dep
from tbl cc
where cc.yea = c.yea
and cc.mon = mon
group by mon, yea, dep, n
order by n asc
ORDER BY yea, mon, n
that sould return for each (month,year)
the best (lowest n) and the worst (highest n) dep
. This query works for month 1,2,4,5,7 and not for months 3,6. The only difference is that in both 3 and 6 cases I got two del with same score (1). How can I return one of them, instead of not returning anything.
this is my output:
n yea mon dep
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------
1 2017 1 50
48 2017 1 36
58 2017 2 36
85 2017 3 36
1 2017 4 50
39 2017 4 36
1 2017 5 50
39 2017 5 36
19 2017 6 36
3 2017 7 50
17 2017 7 36
And this is how I expected:
n yea. mon dep
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------
1 2017 1 50
48 2017 1 36
58 2017 2 36
85 2017 3 36
1 2017 3 49 (or 67)
1 2017 4 50
39 2017 4 36
1 2017 5 50
39 2017 5 36
1 2017 6 50 (or 13)
19 2017 6 36
3 2017 7 50
17 2017 7 36
Use row_number()
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by yea, mon order by n asc) as seqnum_asc,
row_number() over (partition by yea, mon order by n desc) as seqnum_desc
from tbl t
) t
where 1 in (seqnum_asc, seqnum_desc);