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How to have "factory function" return a non copyable object?


Trying to create some gzip archive with a different filename inside I wrote this following snippet of code.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/gzip.hpp>

boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream&& makeGZipStream(const std::string& archiveName,
                                                     const std::string& fileName)
    boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream theGzipStream;

    boost::iostreams::gzip_params theGzipParams;

    theGzipParams.file_name = fileName;



    return std::move(theGzipStream);

int main()
    boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream&& theGzipStream = makeGZipStream("archive.gz", "file");

    theGzipStream << "This is a test..." << std::endl;

    return 0;


This (as we may expect) produces a core dump because in makeGZipStream we try to return a local stack-allocated variable by (rvalue-)reference. But the copy was not an option in this case as boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream is non-copyable.


  1. We can return a std::unique_ptr "by value" thanks to its move constructor (and the move should not even occur in C++17 thanks to copy-elision), why isn't it possible in this case ?
  2. What are the good solutions there ?

Possible solutions

  1. Putting everything in the same scope (what I was trying to avoid)
  2. Wrapping your object in a unique_ptr (not so pretty)
  3. Anything else ?


The compiler used was the quite old g++ (GCC) 4.9.3.


  • Just return by value and remove std::move() from return statement:

    boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream makeGZipStream(const std::string& archiveName,
                                                         const std::string& fileName)
        return theGzipStream;

    if it fails to compile due to missing move constructor, then you are out of luck and this type is not movable, so wrap it into std::unique_ptr and return that pointer by value (which is movable for sure).