I have a node application which is interacting with IBM watson assistant. I need to update the response output of a dialog node and I'm using the following watson api
var params = {
workspace_id: //,
dialog_node: 'greeting',
new_dialog_node: 'greeting',
new_output: {
text: 'Hello! What can I do for you?'
//add more than one text
assistant.updateDialogNode(params, function(err, response) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
the API only accepts object type text:'Hello! What can I do for you?'
this also overwrites the previous response
the error [ { message: 'output should be of type Object', path: '.output' } ]
How can I update the Dialog and add multiple responses at the same time or update the existing one? thanks in advance!
Have you tried the following format for new_output?
"text": {
"values": [
"first response",
"second response"
"selection_policy": "sequential"