I installed Docker on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.5 (Maipo) system:
docker version
Version: 1.13.1
API version: 1.26
Package version: docker-1.13.1-58.git87f2fab.e17.x86_64
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Now if I try to run a docker image, I get errors similar to this:
docker run docker.io/jupyter/datascience-notebook
tini: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have searched for help and have already taken a multitude of possible actions:
I also came across information saying that running containers from docker.io / hub.docker.com under RHEL is not supported - which I don't really get, as main purpose of docker is to enable running programs independent from their OS...? https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1408853 Does this mean using docker under RHEL does not really provide me with the possibility of easily deploying/sharing a docker-image with non-RHEL users?
Also, does this mean I can only access and use official RHEL-docker images? https://access.redhat.com/containers/?start=90#/search/ As I wanted to use docker to have ready-to-go environments with R-Python/Jupyter/H2o (and similar), I'm disappointed because I could not find suitable images for RHEL there.
So, my questions would be:
Best regards, workah0lic
This error message
tini: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
comes from within the container image. It could be a corrupted container image, but the message is also printed when the glibc dynamic linker determines that the kernel features are not sufficient for loading libc.so.6
. I looked at the image (digest is sha256:79f929bd0e58fa9cb238dceda48b0c8360e748d09b476b429216c93dac0bd783), and it appears to require kernel 3.2, so the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 kernel version of 3.10 should be sufficient.
In fact, I cannot reproduce this problem with kernel-3.10.0-862.6.3.el7.x86_64
and docker-1.13.1-58.git87f2fab.el7.x86_64
. You could try to run this command to obtain additional information about dynamic linker behavior:
docker run -e LD_DEBUG=all docker.io/jupyter/datascience-notebook