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Define an array in SailsJS 1.0 Model

We have been running an app on sailsJS 0.12 - once 1.0 was released ran through the upgrade process and upgraded

previously, some of the models were supporting "array" type, it's no longer supported. what's the alternative to this ? it's not covered in sample app or the documentation

model I have is :

module.exports = {
attributes: {
    provider: 'string',
    uid: 'string',
    email: 'string',
    name: 'string',
    firstName: 'string',
    lastName: 'string',    
    password: 'string',    
    projects: {
      collection: 'project',
      via: 'owner'
      collection: 'creditsHistory',
      via: 'owner'
    userRoles: {type: 'array', defaultsTo : [roles.USER]}

supported types in sails 1.0 are :

there isn't any example or sample on what to replace the array type with sails 0.12 supported types:

does anyone has any idea on this ?


  • You can use it like that:

    'coordinate': {
          'type': 'json',
          'required': true,

    Or you can use it like this :

    'cost_price': {
          'type': 'ref',
          'columnType': "double"

    in colunmType you can define database colunm type