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how to get groups of a user in ldap

i am using openldap with phpldapadmin, and i'm trying to check what are the groups of a certain user. this is my scheme ...

Ldap Scheme

this is what i tried, but it didn't work

docker-compose exec openldap ldapsearch -x -H "ldap://openldap" -D "cn=admin,dc=openldap" -w admin -b "cn=root,ou=django,dc=openldap" '(&(objectClass=*)(member=cn=superuser,ou=groups,dc=openldap))'

PS: i'm new to ldap, this is the image i'm using


  • There are tons of literature on LDAP and queries, that explain how to search for groups, with examples.

    First the baseDN (-b) should be the top of your hierarchy: dc=openldap.

    Second, you're searching from groups, so the filter should include (objectclass=groupOfNames)

    Finally, you're searching for the groups a user is member of, and the filter should be (member=cn=root,ou=django,dc=openldap)

    The resulting query is then:

    ldapsearch -x -H "ldap://openldap" -D "cn=admin,dc=openldap" -w admin -b "dc=openldap" '(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=cn=root,ou=django,dc=openldap))'

    This will return the group entries. If you are only interested in the name, add   dn at the end of the query.