The filter expression which I am using now is,
"e.contract= '" +OB.getParameters().get('subscriptionId') + "'"
Here, e is the current table which is populated in 'Table' , and contract is the column there (In the POJO class) which stores the value of subscriptionId.
The issue is the attribute in the next level Defined Selector Field ,which I display a certain column exColumn has many rows [selected from the above expression] with same value.
Here , I intend to add a distinct in the filter expression or in the HQL [which doesn't seem to be filtering at run time] or in the Defined Selector Field, so that we don't display repeated values.
You cannot add distinct
in a Filter Expression, which is used to restrict the results of the datasource.
You have 2 different options:
. As example you can check Business Partner not filtered by default by customer/vendor selector which is implemented in this way.distinct