I'm writing a board game to teach myself Objective C for iPhone and I have a "Piece" class.
Now I would like to make pieces of different shapes, so I would like to add a field "int shape" to the ".h" file of my Piece class. Let's assume I would like to have 3 shapes: square, triangle and circle.
My question is: what is the nicest way to define these sorts of shapes? And where is it best to define them?
Edit: With nicest here I mean most real world, most common, least code and most performant.
Edit No. 2: I used an enum.
For example: I could make a separate header file "PieceConstants.h" and make an enumeration in there. Or I could add the enumeration in the file "Piece.m" so that I could use them like this [Piece squareShapeType].
Many thanks for your help!
Objective C is an object oriented language. So what you would do is define a separate class for each of the shapes of the game pieces, that inherits from the "Piece" class. Then you would have a draw function implemented in each of the shape classes that draws the different shapes. If you want to read about object oriented programming, here is a good resource.