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The logo disappear in mobile environment

I am new to this website so there might be similar question.

I have created the website with Joomla using Bootstrap.

I needed to update the website and after I updated, everytime the top logo (the top of the page and image (theEruditePen_Logo1.png) disappear in the mobile environment.

It used to show before, but some update change made the logo disappear and I do not find out how to fix it...I really want to show this logo even the mobile environment on top of menu.

I would really appreciate any tips and help.

Thank you


  •    <img 
        class="visible-tablet visible-desktop img-responsive"

    Remove visible-tablet visible-desktop class from the image tag.

    The above classes will show the image only on tablets and desktops, and will hide it on mobile devices. If u want to show the image on all devices, then remove the classes.

    Or you can add .visible-phone to make it visible on phones