FIRST: I need some hint how to do it fastest, because I want to apply it many times to the dataframe with a lot of rows. I want to delete the same value in each column of the dataframe. Each column of the dataframe is permutation of a given factor without replacement.
For example I remove value "1" from each column:
data <- matrix(column , length(column) , 5)
data<-apply(data,2, sample)
for (n in 1:length(data[1, ])) {
data[, n]<-c(data[-which(data[,n]==1), n], 1)
data <- data[-length(data[,1]),]
SECOND: I want to specify the positions of the values in the given columns relative to the first column.
pos <- function(data){
Position <- match(data[,1],data[,1])
Position <-
for (i in 2:length(data[1,])) {
Position <- cbind(Position, match(data[,1],data[,i]))
If you have any faster suggestions please feel free to mention them below.
A vectorized function:
To be able to match we can use:
data1 = matrix(data[,1],nrow(data),ncol(data))