Suppose I have a powershell script that adds a custom type, such as in:
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @'
public struct LogEntry {
public static class Native
[DllImport("some.dll", EntryPoint = "GetLogs")]
public static extern UInt32 GetLogs([Out] LogEntry[] results);
Can I mock this GetLogs() so I can return test data instead of calling my native DLL?
InModuleScope "mod.psd1" {
Describe "Process logs" {
Context "Function Exists" {
//failed: Mock [Native]::GetLogs { return 5 } -Verifiable
//failed: Mock [Native] -member GetLogs { return 5 } -Verifiable
It "Should work" {
[Native]::GetLogs | should be 5
I get a variation of this error (first syntax complaining about [Native]::GetLogs and second one about [Native].
[-] Error occurred in Context block 3.13s
[13352] CommandNotFoundException: Could not find Command [Native]
[13352] at Validate-Command, C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\3.4.0\Functions\Mock.ps1: line 801
[13352] at Mock, C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\3.4.0\Functions\Mock.ps1: line 168
Is it the problem that is not finding the mock target in my module, because it's added dynamically? Or am I just doing it wrong (which is most likely case)?
Assuming you're on 5.1, you could create a mock class:
class Native {
static [int] GetLogs() {
return 5
Which you could then invoke:
# => 5
As an aside, mocking interop will be difficult no matter what you do really.