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Symmetric number of bins in qcut around zero

I have a pandas dataframe with different number of integers and NaNs in each row. I would like to allocate values in each row into 8 bins - 4 bins for negative values and 4 bins for positive values per row. So, there will be different number of values in each bin per row. Any hints on how to adjust qcut function for that? Thanks!


  • If I understand correctly, you could just do a qcut on positive values and a qcut on negative values.

    For example, given the dataframe:

    >>> df
    0  -0.456460
    1   0.448368
    2   0.186750
    3   1.056617
    4  -0.035620
    5  -0.609843
    6   0.126376
    7   0.160817
    8  -1.495441
    9   0.730763
    10 -0.005071
    11  0.677918
    12 -0.779553
    13  0.717374
    14  2.250258
    15 -0.801028
    16  0.306408
    17  0.538970
    18 -2.120528
    19  1.066903

    Use 2 qcuts, one for positive and one for negative.

    df.loc[df.vals > 0,'bin'] = pd.qcut(df.loc[df.vals > 0,'vals'], q=4)
    df.loc[df.vals < 0,'bin'] = pd.qcut(df.loc[df.vals < 0,'vals'], q=4)

    And as a result, they are binned into 8 unique bins, 4 for positive and 4 for negative:

    >>> df
            vals                 bin
    0  -0.456460    (-0.695, -0.351]
    1   0.448368      (0.276, 0.608]
    2   0.186750      (0.125, 0.276]
    3   1.056617       (0.812, 2.25]
    4  -0.035620  (-0.351, -0.00507]
    5  -0.609843    (-0.695, -0.351]
    6   0.126376      (0.125, 0.276]
    7   0.160817      (0.125, 0.276]
    8  -1.495441    (-2.122, -0.975]
    9   0.730763      (0.608, 0.812]
    10 -0.005071  (-0.351, -0.00507]
    11  0.677918      (0.608, 0.812]
    12 -0.779553    (-0.975, -0.695]
    13  0.717374      (0.608, 0.812]
    14  2.250258       (0.812, 2.25]
    15 -0.801028    (-0.975, -0.695]
    16  0.306408      (0.276, 0.608]
    17  0.538970      (0.276, 0.608]
    18 -2.120528    (-2.122, -0.975]
    19  1.066903       (0.812, 2.25]

    You can sort the bins to visualize them like this, allowing you to see 4 bins for positive values and 4 bins for negative values:

    array([Interval(-2.1219999999999999, -0.97499999999999998, closed='right'),
           Interval(-0.97499999999999998, -0.69499999999999995, closed='right'),
           Interval(-0.69499999999999995, -0.35099999999999998, closed='right'),
           Interval(-0.35099999999999998, -0.0050699999999999999, closed='right'),
           Interval(0.125, 0.27600000000000002, closed='right'),
           Interval(0.27600000000000002, 0.60799999999999998, closed='right'),
           Interval(0.60799999999999998, 0.81200000000000006, closed='right'),
           Interval(0.81200000000000006, 2.25, closed='right')], dtype=object)