I'm using VS Code, and there is a default log
snippet for JavaScript, that basically adds a console.log()
line BUT also adds a new blank line.
I want to remove that new blank line.
Do you know how to do it? I only can see the way to modify the User snippets, but this snippet was not created by me
This was slightly answered in other questions but here is my approach anyway. I wasn't able to configure the default snippets in vscode however I created my own snippet and made it at the top of the suggestions.
File -> Preferences -> User Snippets
and select JavaScript in order to edit snippets for that language.javascript.json
and save it"Print to console": { "prefix": "log", "scope": "javascript,typescript", "body": [ "console.log('$1')", ], "description": "Log output to console" },
then I added
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
in my settings so that it will always be the top suggestion
hope that helps