Rewrite (sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7) 8.9
using function composition. We have
(sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7) 8.9
I understand the part (sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7)
. But then how does it deal with 8.9
edit from comments: turns out, the .
in 6.7
is not a function composition operator, but a decimal dot!
If you write f . g
, this is basically short for \x -> f (g x)
. Since the (.)
operator is right associative your function is equivalent to:
= (sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7) 8.9
(sum . (replicate 5 . max 6.7)) 8.9
= (sum . (replicate 5 . max 6.7)) 8.9
(\x -> sum ((\y -> (replicate 5 (max 6.7 y))) x)) 8.9
So now if we perform evaluation, we see:
= (\x -> sum ((\y -> (replicate 5 (max 6.7 y))) x)) 8.9
sum ((\y -> (replicate 5 (max 6.7 y))) 8.9)
= sum ((\y -> (replicate 5 (max 6.7 y))) 8.9)
sum (replicate 5 (max 6.7 8.9))
So the function composition will first place the 8.9
as second parameter of the max
, and then apply all other functions to the result in some sort of chain from right-to-left.