I m getting the Id and the ova from a Selected service selector and want to parse it into a GET method calling an API endpoint in the effect. this is what I have done but on the selected service page load I'm getting null when I log the data. Need helps.
loadService$ = this.actions$.ofType(servicesActions.LOAD_ONE_SERVICE)
switchMap(() => {
data => {
this.id = data.merchantId,
this. ova = data.ova
return this.appservice
map(service => new servicesActions.LoadServiceSuccess(service)),
catchError(error => of (new servicesActions.LoadServiceFail(error)))
You can try something like this. Use the switchmap to keep one level of nesting in the pipe.
loadService$ = this.actions$.ofType(servicesActions.LOAD_ONE_SERVICE)
switchMap(({merchantId, ova}) => this.appservice.getServiceById(merchantId, ova))
map(service => new servicesActions.LoadServiceSuccess(service)),
catchError(error => of(new servicesActions.LoadServiceFail(error)))