Let's just say I'm using the sample data used in this blog post. How do I get a list of distinct (or not) tags from all posts using children() or tree()?
I'm thinking I will have to use children, but I'm stumped on how to use it.
These are now documented with examples: children() and tree(). Here is some example code, also from the documentation:
class KeyData(Model):
key = TextField()
data = JSONField()
KeyData.create(key='a', data={'k1': 'v1', 'x1': {'y1': 'z1'}})
KeyData.create(key='b', data={'x1': {'y1': 'z1', 'y2': 'z2'}})
# We will query the KeyData model for the key and all the
# keys and values in it's data field, recursively.
kd = KeyData.data.tree().alias('tree')
query = (KeyData
.select(kd.c.key, kd.c.value, kd.c.fullkey)
.from_(KeyData, kd)
[('a', None, '{"k1":"v1","x1":{"y1":"z1"}}', '$'),
('b', None, '{"x1":{"y1":"z1","y2":"z2"}}', '$'),
('a', 'k1', 'v1', '$.k1'),
('a', 'x1', '{"y1":"z1"}', '$.x1'),
('b', 'x1', '{"y1":"z1","y2":"z2"}', '$.x1'),
('a', 'y1', 'z1', '$.x1.y1'),
('b', 'y1', 'z1', '$.x1.y1'),
('b', 'y2', 'z2', '$.x1.y2')]