For example:
export const setVisibilityFilter = (filter) => ({
The name of the function setVisibilityFilter
has camelCase. The same in the written version in uppercase characters separated by underscores: SET_VISIBILITY_FILTER
I want to make a snippet out of it. I want that after entering any text in the snippet variable, in the second place the uppercase characters separated by underscores were created from this text.
So that I do not have to write it for the second time, only in large letters ...
Is it possible in a snippet and how to do it?
vscode 1.25 did add transforms on snippet tabstops, so no need for a pre-selection. This version works, and with any number of camelCase words, like "camelCase
", "camelCaseCaseCase
", etc.
"test3": {
"prefix": "seps",
"body": [
"export const $1 = (filter) => ({",
"type: '${1/([a-z]*)(([A-Z])+([a-z]+))?/${1:/upcase}${2:+_}$3${4:/upcase}/g}',",
"description": "underscore separators"
See my similar answer convert from camelCase to all CAPS_WITH_SEPARATORS