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Call R plots from c++ using RInside/ Rcpp

Is it possible to call the plot functions from the c++ ? Currently when I try to do that, the ubuntu terminal sort of freezes for sometime ( may be the duration for which the 3d plot would be created and then rotated for a full 360 degrees) and then unfreezes, without ever popping a new window. Is this the expected behavior or is there something that I am doing wrong ? How can I get the plots ( R graphics ) to run from within c++ using rinside and rcpp ?




  • Yes, there is a working examples in the Rcpp package. Look at the file functionCallback/newApiExample.r in the examples/ directory.
    You may need to experiment with sleep() to 'hold' the plot for a moment, or plot to a file and then have the file displayed. It all depends but you gave little detail.