Using PHP and MySQL, I have a forum system I'm trying to build. What I want to know is, how can I set it so that when a user reads a forum entry, it shows as read JUST for that user, no matter what forum they are in, until someone else posts on it.
Currently, for each thread, I have a table with a PostID, and has the UserID that posted it, the ThreadID to link it to, the actual Post (as Text), then the date/time it was posted.
For the thread list in each forum, there is the threadID (Primary Key), the ThreadName, ForumID it belongs to, NumPosts, NumViews, LastPostDateTime, and CreateDateTime. Any help?
May be storing in another table UserID,threadID, LastReadDateTime when the user read that thread.
if (LastPostDateTime > LastReadDateTime) you got an unread post.
Sadly you have a great overhead, on every read you'll have a write.