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How do I find the roots of the function $f(\beta) = \gamma + [1-e^{-j\beta}]/[1-e^{(-j+1)\beta}]$, using python

I have the following equation which I cannot find a closed form solution for $\beta$, thus I would like to solve for $\beta$ computationally:

$$\gamma = \frac{1-e^{-jT\beta}}{1-e^{-(j+1)T\beta}}$$

enter image description here

variables $\gamma$, $j$ and $T$ are known. Unfortunately I do not have knowledge on the brackets of the roots of the equation.

Is there an algorithm in python which is able to solve for the roots without knowledge on the brackets?


  • Scipy has several options for root finding algorithms:

    These algorithms tend to want either bounds for the possible solution or the derivative. In this case, bounds seemed like less work :)

    edit: After re-reading your question, It sounds like you don't have an estimate for the upper and lower bounds. In that case, I suggest Newton's method (scipy.optim.newton, in which case you'll have to compute the derivative (by hand or with sympy).

    import matplotlib
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.optimize import brentq
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def gamma_func(beta, j, T):
        return (1-np.exp(-j*T*beta)) / (1-np.exp(-(j+1)*T*beta))
    # Subtract gamma from both sides so that we have f(beta,...) = 0.
    # Also, set beta, the independent variable, to the first
    # argument for compatibility with solver
    def f(beta, gamma, j, T):
        return gamma_func(beta, j, T) - gamma
    # Parameters
    gamma = 0.5
    j = 2.3
    T = 1.5
    # Lower and upper bounds for solution
    beta_low = -3
    beta_high = 3
    # Error tolerance for solution
    tol = 1e-4
    # True solution
    beta_star = brentq(f, beta_low, beta_high, args=(gamma, j, T), xtol=tol)
    # Plot the solution
    beta_arr = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1001)
    gamma_arr = gamma_func(beta_arr, j, T)
    plt.plot(beta_arr, gamma_arr)
    plt.plot(beta_star, gamma_func(beta_star, j, T), 'o')
    # Print the solution
    print("beta_star = {:.3f}".format(beta_star))
    print("gamma(beta_star) = {:.3f}".format(gamma_func(beta_star, j, T)))


    beta_star = -0.357
    gamma(beta_star) = 0.500

    See the documentation for the other solvers, including multidimensional solvers.

    Good luck!
