I would like to test the method of my system, whose return value partially depends on the return value of the call to some kind of connection interface. In most cases I would like the IConnection
to return true
upon any kind of call to it's open(_, _)
method. Except in one case, when I explicitly test for the condition with failed connection.
* Some kind of network interface with method `open`
class IConnection {
IConnection() = default;
virtual ~IConnection() = default;
virtual bool open(const std::string& address, int port) = 0;
class ConnectionMock: public IConnection {
MOCK_METHOD2(open, bool(const std::string& address, int port));
class MySystem {
MySystem() = delete;
MySystem(std::shared_ptr<IConnection> connection): connection_(connection) {}
bool doSth() {
* Do some things, but fail if connection fails
bool connectionStatus = connection_->open("", 6969);
if (!connectionStatus) {
return false;
// do other things
return true;
std::shared_ptr<IConnection> connection_;
TEST(MySystemShould, returnFalseIfFailedToOpenConnectionAndTrueIfSucceeded) {
auto connectionMock = std::make_shared<NiceMock<ConnectionMock> >();
ON_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
MySystem system(connectionMock);
// if I don't specify Times test fill fail, because WillOnce automatically sets Times(1)
EXPECT_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)).Times(AnyNumber()).WillOnce(Return(false));
* Commented code below is not a good solution - after expectation retires
* the test will fail upon subsequent calls
//EXPECT_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)).WillOnce(Return(false)).RetiresOnSaturation();
* Code bellow allows me to avoid the warning
//EXPECT_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)).WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
The problems with my current solution is that when the EXPECT_CALL
override becomes saturated, even though gmock goes back to the default action specified on ON_CALL
, every subsequent call to open(_, _)
is causing the following warning:
/whatever.cpp:105: Actions ran out in EXPECT_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _))...
Called 2 times, but only 1 WillOnce() is specified - taking default action specified at:
even though I'm using NiceMock
. I can get rid of the warning by specifying EXPECT_CALL
with WillRepeatedly(Return(true))
, but this is the duplication of my code in ON_CALL
I would like to know, how can I override the default action specified with ON_CALL
for just one call to IConnection::open
, and then go back to the defaults, without causing gmock to print a warning. The perfect solution would be something similar to:
EXPECT_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)).WillOnce(Return(false)).DisableExpectationAfterSaturation();
but it doesn't exist. RetiresOnSaturation
doesn't work as I would like, because it fails the test after getting saturated (doesn't match action specified with ON_CALL
The DoDefault()
- feature comes close to what is asked in the question. It specifies that an action in EXPECT_CALL
should go back to the default action specified by ON_CALL
using ::testing::DoDefault;
// Default action
ON_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
// returns true once and then goes back to the default action
EXPECT_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)
Initial answer
If the return value of IConnection::open
depends on the parameters you can specify ON_CALL
twice but with different arguments (or rather arguments instead of the placeholder):
ON_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
ON_CALL(*connectionMock, open("BAD_ADDRESS", 20)).WillByDefault(Return(false));
So any time the mocked method open
will be called with arguments "BAD_ADDRESS" and 20, it will return false, and true otherwise.
Here is a simple example:
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::Return;
class A {
virtual bool bla(int a) = 0;
class MOCKA : public A {
MOCK_METHOD1(bla, bool(int));
ON_CALL(a, bla(_)).WillByDefault(Return(false));
ON_CALL(a, bla(1)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(a, bla(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
EDIT 1 I think now I understood the problem and if I did then the solution is very simple:
EXPECT_CALL(*connectionMock, open(_, _))
When ConnectionMock::open
will be called inside of MySystem::doSth
it will once return true
and then always return false
no matter what the arguments are. In this case you also don't need to specify ON_CALL
. Or do you definitely need to specify the actions with ON_CALL
instead of EXPECT_CALL