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How to get value and id_value for PushRow in Swift4

I use xCode 9, swift 4 and "Eureka form library" for my project.

The situation

I have a list of cars with name and unique ID associated this way: 0 - ANY, 1 - VW, 7 - AUDI, 20 - MAZDA

var name_cars: [String] = ["ANY","VW","AUDI","MAZDA"]

var id_cars:[Int] = [0, 1, 7, 20]

I also have a form with "PushRow" and "ButtonRow". On click to the button I want to print the selected car name and ID. I was able to print the car's name but not the ID.

import UIKit
import Eureka

class myPage: FormViewController {

    var cars: [String] = ["ANY","VW","AUDI","MAZDA"]
    var id_cars:[Int] = [0, 1,7,20]

    var selected_car: String = "ANY" //default car
    var selected_car_id: Int = 0 //default id car

    override func viewDidLoad() {


    func create_form(){

        +++ Section("List")

        <<< PushRow<String>() {
            $0.title = "Cars"
            $0.options = cars
            $0.value = "ANY"

            $0.tag = "list_element"
            $0.selectorTitle = "Choose car"
            $0.onChange { [unowned self] row in
                self.selected_car = row.value!
                self.selected_car_id = ??? // **what should it be here in order to get the ID**


        <<< ButtonRow("Button1") {row in
            row.title = "Get Value on Console"
            row.onCellSelection{[unowned self] ButtonCellOf, row in
                print ("Car selected = ",self.selected_car, " and Id_Car_Selected = ",self.selected_car_id)


  • First of all please conform to the naming convention that class names start with a capital letter and variable names are lowerCamelCased rather than snake_cased.

    Swift is an object oriented language. Rather than two separate arrays use a custom struct Car.

    import UIKit
    import Eureka
    struct Car : Equatable {
        let name : String
        let id : Int

    The push row is declared as PushRow<Car>() and the property displayValueFor is populated with the name

    class MyPage: FormViewController {
        let cars = [Car(name: "ANY", id: 0), Car(name: "VW", id: 1), Car(name: "AUDI", id: 7), Car(name: "MAZDA", id: 20)]
        var selectedCar : Car!
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            selectedCar = cars[0]
        func createForm() {
                +++ Section("List")
                <<< PushRow<Car>() {
                    $0.title = "Cars"
                    $0.options = cars
                    $0.value = selectedCar
                    $0.displayValueFor = {
                        guard let car = $0 else { return nil }
                    $0.tag = "list_element"
                    $0.selectorTitle = "Choose car"
                    $0.onChange { [unowned self] row in
                        self.selectedCar = row.value!
                <<< ButtonRow("Button1") {row in
                    row.title = "Get Value on Console"
                    row.onCellSelection{[unowned self] ButtonCellOf, row in
                        print ("Car selected = ",, " and Id_Car_Selected = ",