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How to remove row line numbers from several .doc/.docx files on Linux?

I need to remove row line numbers from a large collection of Word .doc/.docx files as part of a (Python) data processing pipeline.

I am aware of solutions to do this in C# using Word.Interop (e.g. Is it possible to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word to programatically remove line numbering from a Word document?) but it would be great to achieve this e.g. using LibreOffice in --headless mode (before evaluating MS Word + wine solutions).

For a single file, with the UI, one can follow, but I need to do this for a lot of files, so a macro/script/command line solution to

1) cycle through a set of files
2) remove row numbers and save the result to file

and triggered with e.g. a Python subprocess call would be great, or even with calls to the Python API (


  • To perform line removal for a list of files in the working directory (and put the resulting output into pdfs) run LibreOffice in a Linux command line:

    soffice --headless --accept="socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"

    and then in the Python interpreter

    import uno
    import socket
    import os
    import subprocess
    from pythonscript import ScriptContext
    from import PropertyValue
    # list docfiles in working dir
    files = [x for x in os.listdir('.') if x.endswith(".docx")]
    # iterate on files
    for file in files:
        localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
        resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("", localContext)
        ctx = resolver.resolve("uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext")
        smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
        desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext("", ctx)
        # open file 
        model = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(uno.systemPathToFileUrl(os.path.realpath(file)), "_blank", 0, ())
        # remove line numbers
        model.getLineNumberingProperties().IsOn = False
        # prepare to save output to pdf
        XSCRIPTCONTEXT = ScriptContext(ctx, None, None)
        p = PropertyValue()
        p.Name = 'FilterName'
        p.Value = 'writer_pdf_Export'
        oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
        # create pdf 
        oDoc.storeToURL("file://" + os.getcwd() + "/" + file + ".pdf", tuple([p]))

    This should create pdf files with no line numbering in your working directory.

    Useful links:
    Add line numbers and export to pdf via macro on OpenOffice forums
    LineNumberingProperties documentation
    Info on running a macro from the command line