How do i capture the error messages generated on web page(for example an error message generated when a login button is pressed without inserting any username or password), how do i extract this error message "Username is required" using geb. im using geb groovy based automation
So you would first model your page, and get the locator for the error you want to assert has been displayed. Note that you want to set this to required: false as you would not expect it to be displayed when you first land on the page.
Page with example page error with ID of #pageError:
class MyPage extends Page
static url = "/mypageurl"
static at = {
title == "My Page"
static content = {
pageError (required: false) { $('#pageError') }
submitButton { $('#mySubmitButton') }
def submitForm() {
Then you have your test:
def "If I try click Submit without filling out all form details show me an error message"()
when: "I click Submit without completing all form fields"
def myPage = to(MyPage)
then: "I am shown an error message on the same page"
Noticed you mentioned getting the content of the error, you would call this instead to get the text: