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React Native Maps: How to render components below the map?

I just implemented React Native Maps in my application.

My problem is that everything that I render below the maps is rendered on top of it. Let me show you what I mean:

Searchbar and random texts get rendered above the map.

My question is how do I avoid my components being rendered on top of the map? I would like for them to be rendered below.

Here is my code:


render() {
    return (
        <KeyboardAvoidingView style={styles.container}>
          <MapsContainer />
          <SearchBar icon={require("../../assets/icons/searchingGlass.png")} />
          <Text textID={"homescreen_text"}>This is going to be the HomeScreen</Text>
          <RestaurantList />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1


  <View style={styles.mapContainer}>
        latitude: 58.192312,
        longitude: 7.072301,
        latitudeDelta: 0.0145,
        longitudeDelta: 0.0055

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  mapContainer: {
    position: "absolute",
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    right: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    height: imageWidth * (2 / 3),
    backgroundColor: colors.$primaryWhite
  map: {
    position: "absolute",
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    right: 0,
    bottom: 0


  • I found out what I was doing wrong. The maps styles I used where completely unnecessary (got them from some github issue while implementing maps for the first time :D).

    Here are the styles that I use now:

    const imageWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
      mapContainer: {
        height: imageWidth * (2 / 3),
        backgroundColor: colors.$primaryWhite
      map: {
        height: imageWidth * (2 / 3)