I am trying to create a comment reply box where i have used two repeaters one for the comments and second one for the replies. Both the repeaters work fine in displaying the data but the main problem is when i submit the reply to my comments, the reply doesn't show just after clicking the submit button. When I load the page again then the reply is shown on the page.
Below is my aspx code
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="repAnswer" EnableViewState="True" OnItemDataBound="OnItemDataBound">
<p><%# Eval("Answer") %></p>
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAnsId" Text='<%# Eval("AnsId")%>' ></asp:Label>
<a class="link" id='lnkReplyParent<%#Eval("AnsId") %>' href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showReply(<%#Eval("AnsId") %>);return false;">Reply</a>
<a class="link" id="lnkCancle" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="closeReply(<%#Eval("AnsId") %>);return false;">Cancle</a>
<div id='divReply<%#Eval("AnsId") %>' style="display:none;">
<asp:TextBox ID="textCommentReplyParent" CssClass="input-group" runat="server" Width="300px" TextMode="MultiLine" EnableViewState="True"></asp:TextBox>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnReplyParent" runat="server" Text="Reply" OnClick="btnReply_Click" /></div>
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="repRply">
<p><%# Eval("reply") %></p>
Below is my cs page code
protected void btnReply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RepeaterItem item = (sender as Button).NamingContainer as RepeaterItem;
rplycmnt =(item.FindControl("textCommentReplyParent") as TextBox).Text.Trim();
answerid=Convert.ToInt32((item.FindControl("lblAnsId") as Label).Text);
OnlineSubjects onlinesub = new OnlineSubjects()
reply = rplycmnt,
AnsId = answerid
//getting replies
protected void OnItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
answerid = Convert.ToInt32((e.Item.FindControl("lblAnsId") as Label).Text);
Repeater repRply = e.Item.FindControl("repRply") as Repeater;
OnlineSubjects onlinerply = new OnlineSubjects()
AnsId = answerid
repRply.DataSource = onlinerply.showReply();
Code of Comments... When this comment is posted then we can give reply to this comments
protected void btnAnswer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OnlineSubjects onlinesub = new OnlineSubjects()
Answer = txtAddAnswer.Text.Trim(),
txtAddAnswer.Text = "";
Code of displaying the comments
private void GetAnswer()
OnlineSubjects onlineans = new OnlineSubjects()
QuesId = Id
repAnswer.DataSource = onlineans.showAnswer();
On Page Load
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
You need to call getanswer after reply
protected void btnReply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RepeaterItem item = (sender as Button).NamingContainer as RepeaterItem;
rplycmnt =(item.FindControl("textCommentReplyParent") as TextBox).Text.Trim();
answerid=Convert.ToInt32((item.FindControl("lblAnsId") as Label).Text);
OnlineSubjects onlinesub = new OnlineSubjects()
reply = rplycmnt,
AnsId = answerid
BTW, you are calling answer twice, which is waste of resources. Change it as below. Also change method name to bindanswers as it binds data
private void BindAnswers()
OnlineSubjects onlineans = new OnlineSubjects()
QuesId = Id
var answers = onlineans.showAnswer();
repAnswer.DataSource = answers;