I have a dataset in epoch nano seconds
M d time
0 1081083 28000000000 1.530683e+18
1 1081083 16000000000 1.530683e+18
2 1081085 33000000000 1.530683e+18
3 1081083 28000000000 1.530683e+18
4 1081085 27000000000 1.530683e+18
which on conversion looks like this:
M d time
0 1081083 07:16:40 2018-07-04 05:42:20
1 1081083 09:56:40 2018-07-04 05:43:03
2 1081085 16:10:00 2018-07-04 05:43:12
3 1081083 07:16:40 2018-07-04 05:43:51
4 1081085 05:30:00 2018-07-04 05:44:01
For conversion of epoch to normal the codes are:
import pandas as pd
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df1 = pd.read_csv('testsy_1.csv')
df1['time']=pd.to_datetime(df1['time'], unit='ns')
df1['d']=df1['d'].apply(lambda x: time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.localtime(x)))
But when trying get a pie-chart for df1['M'],df1['d'] :
ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal')
df1.plot(kind='pie', y = 'd', ax=ax1, autopct='%1.1f%%',
startangle=90, shadow=False, labels=df1['M'], legend = False, fontsize=14)
I get a error as :
TypeError: Empty 'DataFrame': no numeric data to plot
How dataframe is empty as converted data is already there ? How to plot here the pie chart ?
As suggested by @jezrael I omitted df1['d']=df1['d'].apply(lambda x: time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.localtime(x)))
and executed the script without any change fetch me the results for the df.head() of the dataset.
But when applying the above this for a full dataset of about 23000 rows, I get a horrible plot...What is the problem?
There is problem d
values are not numeric.
So you can convert d
column to timedeltas and then to seconds:
df1['d'] = pd.to_timedelta(df1['d']).dt.total_seconds()
print (df1)
M d time
0 1081083 26200.0 2018-07-04 05:42:20
1 1081083 35800.0 2018-07-04 05:43:03
2 1081085 58200.0 2018-07-04 05:43:12
3 1081083 26200.0 2018-07-04 05:43:51
4 1081085 19800.0 2018-07-04 05:44:01
Or if possible omit:
df1['d']=df1['d'].apply(lambda x: time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.localtime(x)))