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How can I insert records into Postgres with RLS when user has `grant all` perms and a loose policy

I'm new to Postgres' RLS feature. I believe I'm following the documentation appropriately, but am getting unexpected behavior. Consider the following case:

  • i have a table named report_files
  • this table has a simple policy, policy <name> for all using (true)
  • the user has grant all permissions on the table (grant all on all tables in schema testing to testuser;, along with grant execute on all functions ... and grant usage for the schema as well)
  • the user can now read all fields in the table, but cannot insert records, against expectation

Here's a really short snippet from psql demonstrating the aforementioned:

I have set a permissive policy, which clearly evaluates OK as evidenced by the successful select command.

What can I troubleshoot to get the insert to work?



  • ERROR: permission denied for sequence report_files_id_seq

    You need to grant permission to use the report_files_id_seq sequence. Granting permission to a table does not grant permission to a sequence. They are completely separate. A sequence is often used by the table as part of the DEFAULT value, but it's not part of the table.

    You can grant permission to the sequence with:

    GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON SEQUENCE report_files_id_seq TO testuser;

    Or to grant permission to all sequences** in a particular schema:

    GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA <insert schema name here>

    ALL is equivalent to USAGE, SELECT, UPDATE

    ** this does not give permission to sequences created after the command is run.

    Do you need to use a sequence?

    If you are using Postgres version >=10, and only use the sequence to have a primary key value generated, my preference is to avoid sequences altogether. You can do that by using an IDENTITY column. For example:

        description TEXT NOT NULL

    See the docs