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Deleting values on Hana Table based on a field value

I am working on a hana table and i am trying to delete a table if it contains value from a list.

A  B   
22 01 
22 01
22 02
22 06
23 01
23 01
23 06

I will like to drop some values from this table and have this.

A  B   
22 01 
22 01
22 06
23 01
23 01
23 06

Basically i will like to most likely do a count and check if column B consists of 01 AND 02, if it does drop 02 and if it consists of only 01 leave as it is.

This seems virtually impossible with almost every sql script i have tried


This scripts gets the count of each row and put it in SO column.

after that maybe do an if statement on the SO column and delete if the B field contains 01 and 02?

I tried doing and IF statement then select and i could not get it to work either.

A  B
22 01 
22 01 
22 02 
22 06 
23 01 
23 01 
23 06 
24 02


A  B
22 01 
22 01 
22 06 
23 01 
23 01 
23 06 
24 02


  • If I understand correctly, you want:

    select c.*
    from "EH"."BP_CUST" c
    where c.b <> '02' or
          not exists (select 1
                      from "EH"."BP_CUST" c2 
                      where c2.a = c.a and c2.b = '01'

    Your question says "delete". But I think the intention is to select "02" rows only when there is no "01" row for the same a (and all other rows).