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Proc SQL dating back 14 whole months

Good afternoon,

%let startdate = '2017-01-01'; %let enddate = '2018-07-01';

%let start_dt = '01jan2017:00:00:00'dt; %let end_dt = '01jul2018:00:00:00'dt;

I want to automate this Proc SQL so that whenever I run the program it would automatically get data from the most recent month back to fourteen months ago. Today is the 18th of July, I do not want the first 18 days of today's month, nor the last twelve days of fourteen months ago accounted for. How can I arrange these %let statements reflect my wishes? Thank you!


  • It's easier to first show it using a datastep :

    data _null_ ;
      seed = date() ;
      enddate   = intnx('month',seed,  0,'b') ; /* move to the beginning of current month */
      startdate = intnx('month',seed,-18,'b') ; /* move to the beginning of the 18th month ago */
      /* put these into macro variables */
      call symput('STARTDATE',cats("'",put(startdate,yymmdd10.),"'")) ;
      call symput('ENDDATE'  ,cats("'",put(enddate  ,yymmdd10.),"'")) ;
      /* use dhms(date,h,m,s) to create a datetime */
      call symput('START_DT' ,cats("'",put(dhms(startdate,0,0,0),datetime19.),"'d")) ;
      call symput('END_DT'   ,cats("'",put(dhms(enddate,0,0,0)  ,datetime19.),"'d")) ;
    run ;

    You could then take that and convert it to use %LET and %SYSFUNC if necessary.