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How to derive generic traversals that involve a type family

When configuring our applications, often the way that field is defined is the same as the way the field is used:

data CfgMyHostName = CfgMyHostName Text

Other times, they differ. Let's make this formal in a typeclass:

data UsagePhase = ConfigTime | RunTime -- Used for promotion to types

class Config (a :: UsagePhase -> *) where
  type Phase (p :: UsagePhase) a = r | r -> a
  toRunTime :: Phase ConfigTime a -> IO (Phase RunTime a)

data DatabaseConfig (p :: UsagePhase)

instance Config DatabaseConfig where
  type Phase ConfigTime DatabaseConfig = ConnectInfo
  type Phase RunTime    DatabaseConfig = ConnectionPool
  toRunTime = connect

A typical service config has many fields, with some in each category. Parameterizing the smaller components that we will compose together lets us write the big composite record once, rather than twice (once for the config specification, once for the runtime data). This is similar to the idea in the 'Trees that Grow' paper:

data UiServerConfig (p :: UsagePhase) = CfgUiServerC {
  userDatabase  :: Phase p DatabaseConfig
  cmsDatabase   :: Phase p DatabaseConfig
  kinesisStream :: Phase p KinesisConfig
  myHostName    :: CfgMyHostName 
  myPort        :: Int

UiServerConfig is one of many such services I'd like to configure, so it would be nice to derive Generic for such record types, and to add a default toRunTime implementation to the Config class. This is where we get stuck.

Given a type parameterized like data Foo f = Foo { foo :: TypeFn f Int, bar :: String}, how do I generically derive a traversal for any type like Foo which affects every TypeFn record field (recursively)?

As just one example of my confusion, I attempted to use generics-sop like this:

gToRunTime :: (Generic a, All2 Config xs)
           => Phase ConfigTime xs
           -> IO (Phase RunTime xs)
gToRunTime = undefined

This fails because xs :: [[*]], but Config takes a type argument with kind a :: ConfigPhase -> *

Any hints about what to read in order to get untangled would really be appreciated. Full solutions are acceptable too :)


  • Edit: Updated to automatically derive the AtoB class.

    Here's a solution that appears to work.

    Generic Phase Mapping without a Monad

    Here are the preliminaries:

    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts,
        FlexibleInstances, KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses,
        StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, TypeFamilyDependencies,
        TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
    {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
    import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
    import Generics.SOP

    Now, suppose we have a Phase:

    data Phase = A | B

    and a Selector for the field:

    data Selector = Bar | Baz

    with the idea that there's a type class with both (1) an associated type family giving the concrete field types associated with a selector for each possible phase and (2) an interface for mapping between phases:

    class IsField (sel :: Selector) where
      type Field (p :: Phase) sel = r | r -> sel
      fieldAtoB :: Field 'A sel -> Field 'B sel

    Given a record with a generic instance incorporating both Fields and non-Fields

    data Foo p = Foo { bar :: Field p 'Bar
                     , baz :: Field p 'Baz
                     , num :: Int
                     } deriving (GHC.Generic)
    deriving instance Show (Foo 'A)
    deriving instance Show (Foo 'B)
    instance Generic (Foo p)

    and a Foo 'A value:

    foo0 :: Foo 'A
    foo0 = Foo (BarA ()) (BazA ()) 1

    we'd like to define a generic phase mapping gAtoB:

    foo1 :: Foo 'B
    foo1 = gAtoB foo0

    that uses per-field phase maps fieldAtoB from the IsField type class.

    The key step is defining a separate type class AtoB dedicated to the phase A-to-B transition to act as a bridge to the IsField type class. This AtoB type class will be used in conjuction with the generics-sop machinery to constrain/match the concrete phase A and B types field by field and dispatch to the appropriate fieldAtoB phase mapping function. Here's the class:

    class AtoB aty bty where
      fieldAtoB' :: aty -> bty

    Fortunately, instances can be automatically derived for Fields, though it requires the (mostly harmless) UndecidableInstances extension:

    instance (IsField sel, Field 'A sel ~ aty, Field 'B sel ~ bty) 
             => AtoB aty bty where
      fieldAtoB' = fieldAtoB

    and we can define an instance for non-Fields:

    instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} AtoB ty ty where
      fieldAtoB' = id

    Note one limitation here -- if you define a Field with equal concrete types in different phases, this overlapping instance with fieldAtoB' = id will be used and fieldAtoB will be ignored.

    Now, for a particular selector Bar whose underlying types should be BarA and BarB in the respective phases, we can define the following IsField instance:

    -- Bar field
    data BarA = BarA () deriving (Show)   -- Field 'A 'Bar
    data BarB = BarB () deriving (Show)   -- Field 'B 'Bar
    instance IsField 'Bar where
      type Field 'A 'Bar = BarA           -- defines the per-phase field types for 'Bar
      type Field 'B 'Bar = BarB
      fieldAtoB (BarA ()) = (BarB ())     -- defines the field phase map

    We can provide a similar definition for Baz:

    -- Baz field
    data BazA = BazA () deriving (Show)
    data BazB = BazB () deriving (Show)
    instance IsField 'Baz where
      type Field 'A 'Baz = BazA
      type Field 'B 'Baz = BazB
      fieldAtoB (BazA ()) = (BazB ())

    Now, we can define the generic gAtoB transformation like so:

    gAtoB :: (Generic (rcrd 'A), Code (rcrd 'A) ~ xssA,
              Generic (rcrd 'B), Code (rcrd 'B) ~ xssB,
              AllZip2 AtoB xssA xssB)
          => rcrd 'A -> rcrd 'B
    gAtoB = to . gAtoBS . from
        gAtoBS :: (AllZip2 AtoB xssA xssB) => SOP I xssA -> SOP I xssB
        gAtoBS (SOP (Z xs)) = SOP (Z (gAtoBP xs))
        gAtoBS (SOP (S _)) = error "not implemented"
        gAtoBP :: (AllZip AtoB xsA xsB) => NP I xsA -> NP I xsB
        gAtoBP Nil = Nil
        gAtoBP (I x :* xs) = I (fieldAtoB' x) :* gAtoBP xs

    There might be a way to do this with generics-sop combinators instead of this explicit definition, but I couldn't figure it out.

    Anyway, gAtoB works on Foo records, as per the definition of foo1 above, but it also works on Quux records:

    data Quux p = Quux { bar2 :: Field p 'Bar
                       , num2 :: Int
                       } deriving (GHC.Generic)
    deriving instance Show (Quux 'A)
    deriving instance Show (Quux 'B)
    instance Generic (Quux p)
    quux0 :: Quux 'A
    quux0 = Quux (BarA ()) 2
    quux1 :: Quux 'B
    quux1 = gAtoB quux0
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      print foo0
      print foo1
      print quux0
      print quux1

    Note that I've used selectors with a Selector data kind, but you could rewrite this to use selectors of type (a :: Phase -> *), as I've done in the example at the end.

    Generic Phase Traversal over a Monad

    Now, you needed this to happen over the IO monad. Here's a modified version that does that:

    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts,
        FlexibleInstances, KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses,
        StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, TypeFamilyDependencies,
        TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
    {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
    import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
    import Generics.SOP
    import Control.Applicative
    data Phase = A | B
    data Selector = Bar | Baz
    class IsField (sel :: Selector) where
      type Field (p :: Phase) sel = r | r -> sel
      fieldAtoB :: Field 'A sel -> IO (Field 'B sel)
    data Foo p = Foo { bar :: Field p 'Bar
                     , baz :: Field p 'Baz
                     , num :: Int
                     } deriving (GHC.Generic)
    deriving instance Show (Foo 'A)
    deriving instance Show (Foo 'B)
    instance Generic (Foo p)
    foo0 :: Foo 'A
    foo0 = Foo (BarA ()) (BazA ()) 1
    foo1 :: IO (Foo 'B)
    foo1 = gAtoB foo0
    -- fieldAtoB :: Field 'A sel -> Field 'B sel
    class AtoB aty bty where
      fieldAtoB' :: aty -> IO bty
    instance (IsField sel, Field 'A sel ~ aty, Field 'B sel ~ bty) => AtoB aty bty where
      fieldAtoB' = fieldAtoB
    instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} AtoB ty ty where
      fieldAtoB' = return
    -- Bar field
    data BarA = BarA () deriving (Show)   -- Field 'A 'Bar
    data BarB = BarB () deriving (Show)   -- Field 'B 'Bar
    instance IsField 'Bar where           -- defines the per-phase field types for 'Bar
      type Field 'A 'Bar = BarA
      type Field 'B 'Bar = BarB
      fieldAtoB (BarA ()) = return (BarB ())    -- defines the field phase map
    -- Baz field
    data BazA = BazA () deriving (Show)
    data BazB = BazB () deriving (Show)
    instance IsField 'Baz where
      type Field 'A 'Baz = BazA
      type Field 'B 'Baz = BazB
      fieldAtoB (BazA ()) = return (BazB ())
    gAtoB :: (Generic (rcrd 'A), Code (rcrd 'A) ~ xssA,
              Generic (rcrd 'B), Code (rcrd 'B) ~ xssB,
              AllZip2 AtoB xssA xssB)
          => rcrd 'A -> IO (rcrd 'B)
    gAtoB r = to <$> (gAtoBS (from r))
        gAtoBS :: (AllZip2 AtoB xssA xssB) => SOP I xssA -> IO (SOP I xssB)
        gAtoBS (SOP (Z xs)) = SOP . Z <$> gAtoBP xs
        gAtoBS (SOP (S _)) = error "not implemented"
        gAtoBP :: (AllZip AtoB xsA xsB) => NP I xsA -> IO (NP I xsB)
        gAtoBP Nil = return Nil
        gAtoBP (I x :* xs) = I <$> fieldAtoB' x <**> pure (:*) <*> gAtoBP xs
    data Quux p = Quux { bar2 :: Field p 'Bar
                       , num2 :: Int
                       } deriving (GHC.Generic)
    deriving instance Show (Quux 'A)
    deriving instance Show (Quux 'B)
    instance Generic (Quux p)
    quux0 :: Quux 'A
    quux0 = Quux (BarA ()) 2
    quux1 :: IO (Quux 'B)
    quux1 = gAtoB quux0
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      print foo0
      foo1val <- foo1
      print foo1val
      print quux0
      quux1val <- quux1
      print quux1val

    Adapted to Your Problem

    And here's a version rewritten to hew as closely to your original design as possible. Again a key limitation is that a Config with equal configuration-time and run-time types will use toRunTime' = return and not any other definition given in its Config instance.

    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts,
        FlexibleInstances, KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses,
        StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, TypeFamilyDependencies,
        TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
    {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
    import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
    import Generics.SOP
    import Control.Applicative
    data UsagePhase = ConfigTime | RunTime
    class Config (sel :: UsagePhase -> *) where
      type Phase (p :: UsagePhase) sel = r | r -> sel
      toRunTime :: Phase 'ConfigTime sel -> IO (Phase 'RunTime sel)
    class ConfigRun cty rty where
      toRunTime' :: cty -> IO rty
    instance (Config (sel :: UsagePhase -> *),
              Phase 'ConfigTime sel ~ cty,
              Phase 'RunTime sel ~ rty) => ConfigRun cty rty where
      toRunTime' = toRunTime
    instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ConfigRun ty ty where
      toRunTime' = return
    -- DatabaseConfig field
    data DatabaseConfig (p :: UsagePhase)
    data ConnectInfo = ConnectInfo () deriving (Show)
    data ConnectionPool = ConnectionPool () deriving (Show)
    instance Config DatabaseConfig where
      type Phase 'ConfigTime DatabaseConfig = ConnectInfo
      type Phase 'RunTime    DatabaseConfig = ConnectionPool
      toRunTime (ConnectInfo ()) = return (ConnectionPool ())
    -- KinesisConfig field
    data KinesisConfig (p :: UsagePhase)
    data KinesisInfo = KinesisInfo () deriving (Show)
    data KinesisStream = KinesisStream () deriving (Show)
    instance Config KinesisConfig where
      type Phase 'ConfigTime KinesisConfig = KinesisInfo
      type Phase 'RunTime    KinesisConfig = KinesisStream
      toRunTime (KinesisInfo ()) = return (KinesisStream ())
    -- CfgMyHostName field
    data CfgMyHostName = CfgMyHostName String deriving (Show)
    data UiServerConfig (p :: UsagePhase) = CfgUiServerC
      { userDatabase  :: Phase p DatabaseConfig
      , cmsDatabase   :: Phase p DatabaseConfig
      , kinesisStream :: Phase p KinesisConfig
      , myHostName    :: CfgMyHostName 
      , myPort        :: Int
      } deriving (GHC.Generic)
    deriving instance Show (UiServerConfig 'ConfigTime)
    deriving instance Show (UiServerConfig 'RunTime)
    instance Generic (UiServerConfig p)
    gToRunTime :: (Generic (rcrd 'ConfigTime), Code (rcrd 'ConfigTime) ~ xssA,
              Generic (rcrd 'RunTime), Code (rcrd 'RunTime) ~ xssB,
              AllZip2 ConfigRun xssA xssB)
          => rcrd 'ConfigTime -> IO (rcrd 'RunTime)
    gToRunTime r = to <$> (gToRunTimeS (from r))
        gToRunTimeS :: (AllZip2 ConfigRun xssA xssB) => SOP I xssA -> IO (SOP I xssB)
        gToRunTimeS (SOP (Z xs)) = SOP . Z <$> gToRunTimeP xs
        gToRunTimeS (SOP (S _)) = error "not implemented"
        gToRunTimeP :: (AllZip ConfigRun xsA xsB) => NP I xsA -> IO (NP I xsB)
        gToRunTimeP Nil = return Nil
        gToRunTimeP (I x :* xs) = I <$> toRunTime' x <**> pure (:*) <*> gToRunTimeP xs
    cfg0 :: UiServerConfig 'ConfigTime
    cfg0 = CfgUiServerC (ConnectInfo ()) (ConnectInfo ()) (KinesisInfo())
                        (CfgMyHostName "localhost") 10
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      print cfg0
      run0 <- gToRunTime cfg0
      print run0