For those who don’t know, Proximity is a plateform to interconnect and create bots. A metabot connects bots from different technologies to form a unique “big” bot. For example , I connected a bot from Recast and one from DialogFlow together to get a metabot.
When i connect a bot from IBM Watson , i get a an unknown error message and nothing appears on the screen :(
One of my friends has already succeded to connect a chatbot from watson in his metabot so i don’t undersatnd why it isn’t working for me....
Be sure that your filling the right access info. Ex :
workspace_id : "ahdhvc-ffdf ..."
username : "fdfhjh-aasd"
password : "ahdhvcffdf"
If your bot is hosted on Germany region "https://gateway-fra ..." or others you must to specify the url too.