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(typed) list of argument from a program using optparse-appplicative

Is there a way to extract a list of names and types from a command line program, made using optparse-applicative ?

I am +/- looking for some function of type ParserInfo a -> [(String,TypeRep)]


  • No, there is no way. The relevant bits are:

    data ParserInfo a = ParserInfo   
        { infoParser :: Parser a
        , -- ...
    data Parser a
      = forall x . MultP (Parser (x -> a)) (Parser x)
      | forall x . BindP (Parser x) (x -> Parser a)
      | -- ...

    Since the xs of MultP and BindP are existentially quantified and do not carry a Typeable constraint, the information about the types used at the leaves of a Parser a tree is lost at runtime.