In my .vimrc
, I have:
autocmd BufEnter * :lchdir %:p:h
which changes the current directory to the directory for the file being edited in that window.
With the terminal
feature enabled, however, I get the following messages:
Error detected while processing BufEnter Autocommands for "*": E344: Can't find directory "C:\Users\sinan\!C:\WINDOWS\system32" in cdpath E472: Command failed
which then have to be dismissed by pressing enter. This makes it annoying to switch back & forth between a document window and terminal.
Here's a screenshot:
I understand why I get the error. I am trying to figure out how I need to change the autocmd
line above so it doesn't run for terminal panes. That is, instead of *
, I need to specify not a terminal.
How do I do that?
You can check 'buftype'
to see if it is a terminal buffer.
augroup AutoChdir
autocmd BufEnter * if &buftype !=# 'terminal' | lchdir %:p:h | endif
augroup END
NOTE: I have not tested this. Use as is.
See :h 'buftype'
for more information